Woman with Headache

Migraine Treatment

There are over thirty-six million Americans who suffer from migraine headaches

Migraines are debilitating. The disruption to a person’s life, when he or she suffers from regular migraines, can impact every aspect: job, family, friends, activities, and more. Each migraine can manifest in various ways. What this means is there is no single migraine treatment that fits all. When you suffer from migraines, you need individualized treatment and personal care. Foothills Neurology offers migraine treatment in Chandler that focuses on the unique symptoms and causes of your migraines. At our Migraine Center of Excellence, we develop a treatment plan that is customized specifically for you.

facial pain

The exact reason and mechanism of a migraine is not fully understood. While that is the case, what triggers a person’s migraines can often be discovered. The testing we offer begins with surmising if your headaches are indeed migraines. If they are, we are able to assist in finding potential triggers, making it possible for you to then avoid those triggers. We are also able to help with both preventative measures as well as help you with pain management.

Find a Personalized Migraine Treatment

Finding the right migraine doctor can be a daunting process requiring long waiting periods and cookie cutter solutions, but it doesn’t have to be that way. When you meet with a migraine specialist at Foothills Neurology, you’ll find out process is very simple. We begin with our Migraine Disability Assessment Test. After you complete the test we’ll create a customized migraine treatment plan. After you receive and implement your migraine treatment plan you’ll begin to feel relief and experience life to the fullest.  that you need, Experience all the special moments in your life to the fullest. Migraine neurology is what we do. Our migraine clinic sets people free to experience life to the fullest uninterrupted.


If you’re preparing to make an appointment. Consider keeping a weekly headache diary. This is a helpful way for our specialists to create specialized treatment. The diary will help with finding triggers as well as detailing specific symptoms and the type of headaches that occur, and when they occur. Looking for patterns in the migraines as well as the effectiveness of the treatment aids our neurologist with appropriate adjustments to your migraine treatment plan.

Preventative Migraine Treatment

Did you know that there are preventative medications that can stop a migraine before it hits? These medications prevent both the severity and frequency of migraine attacks. Many people are accustomed to taking migraine medications once a migraine has already started, and then dealing with the negative side effects of the medication. Painkillers can be debilitating in their own right.

One option that can be included as a preventative treatment in your migraine management is the use of Botox. For certain people, Botox can be an effective preventative treatment that works days, or even weeks, before a migraine strikes.

Migraine Headache x ray

Our Migraine Specialist in Ahwatukee, Scottsdale and Midtown

Our caring migraine specialists in Ahwatukee, Scottsdale, and Midtown work diligently with patients to reduce, or even eliminate, migraine headaches. Our team stays current on the most recent research and breakthroughs in all fields of neurology. We put our entire team’s worth of knowledge and experience to work for each of our patients. We spend the time it takes to get to know your personal story and design and revise a migraine treatment specific to you.

Schedule an appointment today and experience relief.

Foothills Neurology