Foothills Neurology

At Foothills Neurology, we understand that seeing a neurologist in Phoenix or Scottsdale, or any type of specialist, can make some people feel anxious. Our staff and providers are dedicated to putting you at ease throughout the entire process. From scheduling the visit to understanding your diagnosis and treatment, Foothills Neurology practices compassionate, open communication. Those open communications include your primary care physician and any other providers who are coordinating your care, all the while keeping you firmly in the center of the loop. With Foothills Neurology, your story matters. We start by listening to you. Taking in all the relevant medical history as well as your personal input, we begin the diagnosis process. Each highly experienced neurologist and provider stays current on the developments and changes in our field of neurology. You will find our diagnostics are among the most advanced available. Finding the source of concern and treating our patients with the best care possible is what we do. That is why each neurologist at Foothills Neurology is at the top of the list of trusted neurologists in Phoenix and Scottsdale.

Brain artwork

Neurology Services

Accurate treatment begins with strong diagnostic tools. The neurologists in Phoenix and Scottsdale at Foothills Neurology have both the diagnostics and the specialized treatment necessary to provide excellent neurology care.

In-office procedures include:

  • Nerve Conduction Studies (NSC)
  • Electromyography (EMG)
  • Electroencephalography (EEG)
  • Optical Coherence Tomogrophy (OCT)
  • Visiually Evoked Potential (VEP)
  • Humphrey Visual Field
  • Spravato
  • Trigger Point Injection
  • Carpal Tunnel Injection
  • Botox© Injection
  • Peripheral Nerve Blocks
  • Autonomic Testing
  • TMS

Some of our neurology services and specialties include:

Neurology Staff

The Foothills Neurology staff consists of a full range of dedicated providers ready to assist your neurological care. Our top neurologist and neurology care providers work as a team to offer patients some of the most comprehensive care in the Phoenix and Scottsdale area. As experts in neurological disorders, we treat each individual with compassion and excellent care we would offer our own family. We take time to get to know you as a person, not just a diagnosis. We understand the anxiety of having a neurological condition can, at times, feel worse than the condition itself. That is why our dedicated team is here to support you. We take as much time as you need to discuss your condition as well as understand the possibilities and the treatment plan. We are happy to answer your questions and ease your fears by replacing them with genuine support and understanding. Our commitment is to enhance your quality of life. Our patients are in good hands with our strong team of specialists, neurologists and other providers devoted to your health. Schedule an appointment with a Phoenix or Scottsdale neurologist at our conveniently located offices.

New Image Med Spa logoAmerican Osteopathic AssociationAmerican College of Neuropsychiatrists

Service Type: Neurologist Phoenix | Neurologist Scottsdale | Service Area: Phoenix | Scottsdale
Phoenix & Scottsdale Resources: City of Phoenix, AZ | Wikipedia | Things to do in Phoenix, AZ

Foothills Neurology