Quarantine Fatigue

Quarantine Fatigue

Quarantine Fatigue

What is Quarantine Fatigue?

Now that we are beginning to see more relaxed social distancing measures, and businesses begin to open back up, why are people so quick to take advantage of their new freedoms? With COVID-19 being even more prevalent than ever, what happened? With numbers continuing to increase, and hospitals continue filling up, shouldn’t people be more afraid than ever? 

Quarantine Fatigue is the reason people are finding any reason to leave their home… People have difficulty in situations when they have little to no control over the outcome. With a “nothing left to lose” mentality, they begin to operate feeling as though it no longer matters what they do. Because bad outcomes show weeks after the “bad” behavior, all decisions and discussions about operating with “safe” behavior are felt as overblown. 

Symptoms of Quarantine Fatigue:

  • Loss of energy
  • Short temper
  • Oversleeping or Insomnia
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Lethargy
  • Anxiety (New or intensified)

How to deal with Quarantine Fatigue

The phenomenon of quarantine fatigue is a result of the emotional stress that happens as a result of isolation, lack of connections, lack of routine, and loss of freedom. 


Self-care looks different for everyone… so take it back to the basics. Stick to what is tried and true. Find some time to incorporate physical activity into your day. Getting your heart rate up is a natural medicine to get your blood flowing again, and as a result, may force you to get some fresh air. Whether that looks like a jog, or a walk, exercise fills your time and helps you gain some clarity. Your body will thank you!


Talk to someone about it. When you reach out to others who are experiencing the same thing, you will stop yourself from feeling so alone. Everyone is in the same boat right now, and some may be handling it better than others. Reach out to family or friends to find out what they are doing to cope, you might pick up some good ideas!

Limit Screen Time

Be aware of your screen time. Turn off the news, stop scrolling through social media, and find information elsewhere. Read a book. Escape from reality and stretch your imagination. Your mind needs a break to recalibrate too. 


Hold yourself accountable to a routine. Chances are,  you have never been in a situation where you have been forced to be cooped up inside for weeks on end. Incorporating small non-negotiable items in your routine will help you start feeling better day by day. When you begin to feel your energy coming back, start researching a new skill you want to try. Add this into your routine just 30 minutes a day. Find a purpose that will make you more successful after quarantine. 

Feeling productive and purposeful can quickly fuel your sense of happiness again, giving you a reason to get out of bed every day. Don’t be so hard on yourself. We will all get through this. Do not let yourself fall into a dangerous pattern of depression. If you have already, take it step-by-step. Apply these tips one at a time, and take it slow. Send us your success stories! We are here to help.

Foothills Neurology