Comprehensive Treatment
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Dizziness: the sensation of being off-balance. It is a term often used to describe a variety of feelings, including being faint, woozy, light-headed, or unsteady. Likewise, it can also be known as light-headedness, vertigo, or presyncope. Often, it is characterized by frequent falls in a specific direction. In fact, there are many potential causes of dizziness, from inner ear problems to circulation problems or something else entirely. The best course of action is to see a neurologist to determine the cause and decide the most effective treatment.
Gait Ataxia: a deviation from normal walking. Notably, watching a patient walk is the most important part of a neurological examination. For example, difficulties with walking may signal any number of common problems in the musculoskeletal system. Visit Ataxia Connect for a non-profit support forum.
Vertigo: a form of dizziness that includes the sudden sensation of spinning or that the inside of the head spins. Additionally, it can cause nausea, vomiting, or difficulties with standing or walking due to imbalance. The signs of vertigo can come and go and are often brought on by a change in the head’s position. In many cases, no particular cause of vertigo can be determined. However in other cases, it can be tracked to a blow to the head or damage to the ear. Migraines are often also associated with vertigo.
Visit the Vestibular Disorders Association for more support.